Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Beer Review: Weetwood Old Dog

Brewery: Weetwood


Style: Premium Ale


ABV: 4.5%


Location: Kelsall, Cheshire


Colour: Redish brown, rather frothy when poured with a two finger off white head.


Aroma: Fruity, with a scent of dryness coming through. A hint of alcoholic strength comes through, which is typical of Northern beers.


Taste: Overwhelmingly bitter and fruity with a smooth, creamy and cloying mouthfeel. Some malty caramel notes are present which suggest sweetness which rolls along in the background. There’s a hint of nuttiness, whilst the bitterness lingers long after the sip.


Verdict: An intriguing and robust bitter, comprising of a jumble of incoherent flavours. The beer notably extracts sinew of flavour that makes it seem stronger than it’s ABV of 4.5%. The bitterness is rather strong, if not overpowering, which supresses any hints of discernible caramel sweetness and nuttiness. The creamy mouthfeel works well with the drink, which helps make it easier to quaff, and helps offset its persistent bitterness. It’s complex of flavours tries too hard to make an impact.

Rating: 7/10

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