Monday, November 13, 2023

Beer Review: Brentwood Gold

Brewery: Brentwood


Style: Golden Ale


ABV: 4.3%


Location: Brentwood, Essex


Colour: Bright gold with an amber glare, that elevates the colour. Offset by a one finger light cream head.


Aroma: Mildly hoppy, bready and distinctly fruity with a whisp of peaches and nectarines.


Taste: Quite refreshing, suitable for chilling since it doesn't impart it's flavour. Distinct malty notes, with a balanced sweetness that is not too pronounced that it overtakes the other flavours, Smooth, with a lacing of hoppy bitterness in the background.


Verdict: A quaffable golden ale that leaves a satisfactory effect. The combination of flavours are well balanced, the malty sweetness dovetails nicely with the hops and bitter elements, the various components that make this beer don't try to outcompete each over. This is an easy drinking sessionable beer that is suitable for those who want something flavourable but not too strong. Its easy to see why this beer has won a number awards, the brewers get the flavours just right. 

Rating: 9/10

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