Sunday, September 24, 2023

Beer Review: Exeter Darkness

Brewery: Exeter

Style: Stout

ABV: 5.1%

Location: Exeter, Devon

Colour: Jet black with beige colour, one finger head.

Aroma: Distinctly fruity, some winey notes, a touch of alcoholic strength and a whisp of coffee like bitterness is discernible in the background. 

Taste: Thick and cloying mouthfeel, rather heavy and morerish. The flavour is charecteristically 'roasty and toasty' for a Stout, the use of several types of malt grains including Chocoalte Malt in the mix, makes the malt quite pronounced and noticable. There is also a hint of chocolaty fruity sweetness coming through the background, which is fortunately not too overpowering. 

Verdict: A well balance Chocolate Stout, the combination of several different malts gives it chance to shine and take centre stage, whilst the sweetness is not too potent to overshadow it. What lets it down, is the lack of a distinct chocolaty element, since the chocolate malt has to compete with the other malt grains. You wouldn't think it's a Chocolate Stout at first, without reading the label. 

Rating: 8/10

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