Friday, October 27, 2023

Beer Review: Wold Top Scarborough Fair IPA

 Brewery: Wold Top


Style: IPA


ABV: 6%


Location: Driffield, East Yorkshire


Colour: Sunshine gold with a thin off white head.


Aroma: Hoppy, aromatic, bitter,  distinctly fruity, with a strong scent of peaches coming through.


Taste: Hoppy, bitter, robust flavours coming through with a background of sweetness. Some fruitness, with a sense of bittersweet citrus notes of Grapefruit. Heavy, cloying and strong which suggest this is a drink not to be messed with. The flavours linger in the mouth long after the sip.


Verdict: The use of hops are quite evident through this drink, making it a mememorable one. There is a good balance of flavours going on here. A quaffable beer with strong mixture of  aromas and flavours that perfectly achieve the complex nuances of a export style English IPA. It is easy to see why this beer has won a number of awards over the years, as the brewers put out all the stops with this lip smacking finely crafted drink. 

Rating: 9/10

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