Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Beer Review: Cellar Head Amber Ale

Brewery: Cellar Head


Style: Bitter


ABV: 4.0%


Location: Flimwell, East Sussex


Colour: Amber with a slight reddish tinge, a rather frothy head when poured, so expect a two finger cream coloured head. 


Aroma: Fruity, biscuity, dry, with a touch of smokiness on the back end. 


Taste: Hints of a fruity flavour can be detected, but are quickly enveloped with a pronounced bitterness. Biscuity, dry and smooth mouthfeel. The intriguing combination of five malts Maris Otter, Amber, Munich, Cara Gold, Chocolate, gives off a roasted and fully rounded flavour profile which adds to the complexities of the beer. 


Verdict: A fairly decent session bitter, where the combination of several malts take centre place in building up it's flavours. The beer has a distinct roasty and bitter quality to it, which it makes it seem stronger than its relatively low ABV suggests. The hoppiness and fruity elements seem rather muted in relation to the malts, but that is to be expected when it comes to bitter. The beer is rather frothy, so take care when pouring.

Rating: 8/10

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Gone For a Burton?

In his article on endangered beer styles, the writer Martyn Cornell lists Burton Ale as a critically endangered example. Up until the late 1950’s, it was one of the most popular draught beer styles in the country, it has been noted that every major UK brewery during the early 20th century was producing a Burton Ale, yet it’s decline was swift as Roger Protz notes “Burton ale went into steep decline in the 20th century not only as consumer preference switched to Mild and Bitter but also a result of punitive increases in excise duty on stronger beers during both world wars.”[1] By the 1960’s, Burton Ales increasingly became seasonal specials or were dropped from breweries altogether. By the time of the real ale boom of the Seventies with the arrival of CAMRA on the scene, Burton Ale was all but gone. The term “Gone for a Burton” was an acronym for someone who was dead or missing, the journalist Jenny Moody notes “it was widely used as a slang term by the RAF in World War Two when the RAF took heavy casualties during the war to defeat Nazi Germany.”[2] The term was also a way of saying a serviceman had died in action, an aircraft that had been ditched at sea or had ended up in the drink. Even-though the term was inspired by the beer style, it had eerie historical implications as Burton Ale itself became a beer style missing in action, presumed dead; so, in effect Burton Ales had gone for a Burton. Putting the poetry to one side, to find out why Burton Ale had such a dramatic fall from grace, we need to delve deeper into history and how it became popular in the first place. Furthermore, in today’s crowded world of beer styles, could the legendary Burton Ale stage a comeback like Porter and Dark Mild, or has it been consigned to history?


Despite being a near extinct beer style, Burton Ales are still listed on the BJCP’s website; better known as the Beer Judge Certification Program, a worldwide organisations that certifies various beer styles under certain guidelines for beer judges to follow in competitions. It lists Burton Ale as “a rich, malty, sweet, and bitter dark ale of moderately strong alcohol. Full bodied and chewy with a balanced hoppy finish and complex malty and hoppy aroma. Fruity notes accentuate the malt richness, while the hops help balance the sweeter finish.”[3] The colour can range from Amber to Dark Brown; the hops need to be light to moderate reflective of fruity, woody or spicy English hop varieties; sweetness must be balanced by the hops and malt but never cloying or clashing; a fruity aroma of Plum, Figs and Prunes should be present; a medium to full bodied mouthfeel and it must be a keeping ale, aged before consuming. These are the essential guidelines of a Burton Ale in a nutshell to take into consideration, contrary to some sources who claim Burton Ale is a type of IPA. Brewing in Burton has been recorded has far back as the 11th century when monks at Burton Abbey were brewing ales for residents and travellers alike. In 1699, the Trent Navigation Act allowed for the extension of the canal from Burton to Shardlow, and subsequently in 1712 from Gainsborough to Hull. This enabled trade to other parts of the UK, which improved the fortunes of Burton’s brewing industry. Around this time Benjamin Printon set up the first commercial brewery in the area, taking advantage of the rapidly expanding Burton Union System. The rise of Burton Ale was swift, by 1712 it was reported that 638 barrels had passed through Burton via Hull en-route to London. In places like Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, Burton Ale had gathered great demand.  By 1722, trade to London had risen to 1000 barrels per year and subsequently Burton gained the moniker as the most popular brewing town in the UK. Around his time, Printon’s successor John Musgrove began exporting Burton Ale overseas to the Baltic states taking advantage of the low outward freight rates and soon a flourishing trade was established, with ports including St Petersburg and Danzig particularly benefiting from the traffic. It also became popular with Russian royalty, it was well known that Peter the Great and his Empress Catherine were particularly fond of the imported beverage.  To cope with this demand a slew of breweries were established in Burton including the likes of Bass, Worthington’s and Allsopps, by the late 18th century exports to Baltic states accounted for 70% of total production in the town.


Yet the storm clouds were on the horizon, and with the coming of the Napoleonic Wars in 1793 and the subsequent Napoleonic blockade, overseas trade took a massive tumble, and this had a devastating effect on Burton’s brewing industry which was mostly decimated. Protz notes “the number of brewers in the town fell from 13 to just five between 1780 and the 1820s.” The survivors that emerged from the carnage, including Bass, Allsopps, Salt, Sherratt and Worthington’s had to find new ways of trading to survive. This was further necessitated in 1822 when the Russian authorities increased the excise tariffs on British imports including beer, which was the final nail in the coffin the Baltic trade. Later that same year, Samuel Allsopp, then owner of Allsopps Brewery repurposed his surplus stock and produced a less sweet and more bitter version (with added hops) of his Burton Ale. Although initially it was initially slow to take off, he took advantage of the rapidly developing canal system which allowed trade to all parts of the country. Another major factor for the upturn in Burton’s brewing industry was the establishment of the railway network at the time, C.C. Owen states “Cheap, rapid and secure transport linking Burton to all parts of the UK, allowing breweries to cater for national markets for the first time. The period from 1830-1850 saw a threefold increase in brewery production.”[4] For instance, Owen notes that in 1831, Bass produced 11,600 barrels which by 1863 it had risen to 538,000 barrels. With the increase in domestic trade, Protz points out “the Burton brewers continued to produce the style for the sound reason there was a great demand for it. Pale Ale was expensive and was consumed mainly by the new, rising middle class while Burton Ale remained popular with those who enjoyed a sweeter beer.” Burton Ale particularly became popular with the working classes, as soon breweries in other parts of the UK took advantage of this and began producing their own Burton Ales. Cornell notes “it was popular enough to be picked up and imitated across Britain, from Dorset to Northumbria.”[5] Burton Ale was particularly popular in London where it was massive seller, local breweries like Young’s, Barclay Perkins, Meux’s, Mann, Crossman & Paulin, Truman’s and Fuller’s were selling their own Burton Ales, while in Edinburgh, breweries including William Younger and Aitchinson were producing their own versions, calling it Edinburgh Ale. Soon Burton Ale became popular in other parts of the world including Australia where it was sold as Toohey’s Old and Tooth’s Old in Sydney, and in the US where a version of Burton Ale was notably brewed by P. Ballantine & Sons Brewery of New Jersey.

By the mid 1870’s Burton the became the centre of the brewing industry in the UK, it had the largest breweries in the world at the time and was hailed for it’s technological advances in brewing technology. Over time, Burton Ale had changed too as Des de Moor notes “like most beers it was later modified to fit the now ubiquitous practice of basing beer recipes on pale malt, with additions of coloured and speciality malts as required. It therefore became paler in colour, though still brown, giving rise to the confusing term Burton Pale Ale (BPA) – pale in comparison to the old brown malt version but still notably darker than the beers we now think of as pale ales.”[6] Greene King Burton Pale Ale was good example of this practise, which is likely where the contemporary confusion with the classification of Burton Ale as an IPA stems from, since they both used the same malt. In 1876, Bass obtained the first two trademarks ever issued the country, for its iconic red triangle and red diamond which they used for their No.1 Barley Wine and Burton Ale respectively. Other breweries soon followed suit with their own trademarks, advertising their Burton Ales. By the late 19th century Burton Ale was also being sold as Old Ale, Strong Ale and Barley Wine according to Cornell. It became dubbed “The Wine of Malt” and ranged widely in strength between 6-10.5% ABV; stronger bottled versions of Burton Ale were also being sold on the market, such as Salt’s Barley Wine (11.95%), Allsopp’s Old Burton (8.32%) and Bass No.1 Barley Wine (8.41%), often sold in bottles known as Nip’s, which could hold 190ml or one third of an imperial pint. A notable Burton Ale from this period was Arctic Ale produced by Allsopps measuring a hefty 11% ABV, which was first brewed in 1852 for Captain Belcher’s expedition to the Arctic where it was remarked that due to the high alcohol content in the beer, it prevented the beer from freezing at temperatures averaging around -55º F. By this time, Owen points out that the emergence of the temperance movement backed by the Liberal Party was gaining traction. He notes “after 1900, opposition to the brewers grew even stronger, with the talk of prohibition and a steady decline in beer drinking.” The once mighty brewing industry of Burton was starting to falter, breweries and public houses started to close and in 1906, Salt Brewery which had been one of the major players in the industry, went into liquidation. The influence of the anti-drink lobby had a major effect on the taxation of stronger ABV ale, so it comes as no surprise that with the onset of WW1, Burton Ales were further impacted as “beer strengths plunged under the weight of higher taxes and restrictions on raw materials.”[7] By the 1920’s, the strength of draught Burton Ale had drastically decreased, as Ron Pattison notes “it was generally brewed as a 9d. draught beer, that is with a gravity of around 1055º. There were stronger versions, but these were mostly sold in bottled form or on draught or as a winter seasonal.”[8] At an average strength of 5.91% ABV this was drastically lower than it was a few decades before. In 1923 alone, the major London brewers were selling draught Burton Ale at a lower strengths such as Barclay Perkins (5.41%), Charrington (5.72%), Courage (5.20%), Meux’s (5.87%) and Truman’s (5.73%) for instance. Further taxation of stronger ales following WW2 impacted Burton Ales further, the average gravity was down to an average of 1045º, for instance a 1951 Draught Burton from Barclay Perkins measured at a measly (4.22%). At the time Burton Ale was still considered as of the four main types of British beer along with Pale Ale, Mild & Stout, in London, Pattison states “Burton Ale remained a standard draught beer. Though after the mid-1950’s it increasingly became a winter seasonal.”[9] The writing was on the wall for Burton Ales as breweries all over the country dropped them from their ranges or consigned them to seasonal specials. It’s decline was due to a variety of factors from the increasing consumer preference in sessionable beers such as Bitter, Mild and Pale Ales, the falling popularity for darker ales and the increasing taxation on stronger ales which effectively saw Burton Ales taxed out of existence as they became weaker in strength. The final nail in the coffin came in 1969, when Fullers ceased production of their Old Burton Extra from their range owing to poor sales, and was replaced with a new beer named Winter Bitter which was renamed ESB in 1971, which continues to be sold to this day. The same year, Young’s renamed their Burton to Winter Warmer, the saga of the Burton Ale was all but over.


In 1976, Burton Ales was seemingly revived when Allied Breweries launched their Ind Coope Draught Burton Ale, as a means of taking advantage of the real ale boom initiated by CAMRA. However Cornell notes it “was actually an IPA-style brew (cask-conditioned Double Diamond in fact) rather than a real Burton Ale as drinkers a generation or two earlier would have understood the term.”[10] Ironically the brewery has brewed a genuine Burton Ale up until the 1950’s, so this ‘rereleased version’ was a harsh blow to the legacy of Burton Ales, although it didn’t stop the likes of Roger Protz claiming years later that it marked the resurrection of the style. Indeed, it didn’t stop this beer from gaining a popular following, in 1990 it won Champion Beer of Britain at GBBF that year and subsequently in 2011 it was resurrected as a one-off ale known as ‘O’Roger’ developed together by Protz and Otley Brewery. Although hailed at the time by CAMRA as the triumphant return of Burton Ales, it was criticised by the likes of Martyn Cornell who stated that they fell for the same marketing trick first propagated in 1976. It was too pale and weak (at 5.2%) to be considered an authentic Burton Ale even under BJCP guidelines, Protz himself had his doubts about O’Roger prior to its release, where he expressed “we would have preferred to mature for several months but my book deadline is against us and I felt that a touch of darker malt would give the beer a mature flavour and good "mouthfeel".” Curiously these doubts all but disappeared when it was formally launched, all for the sake of good publicity. Thankfully there have been authentic Burton Ales that have been released, including Heritage by the former Smiles Brewery in Bristol, a resurrected version of Arctic Ale by Boss Beer and the relaunch of Old Burton Extra from Fuller’s Brewery in 2012 based on the original recipe from 1931; at 7.2% it was produced as a stronger version of the style, as Des de Moor notes “the result is a rich deep Burgundy brown with a thick yellow beige head. There’s sultana and chocolate on a rich, smooth, malty and slightly spicy aroma with honey, black grape and a subtle hint of violet.” The Quaffer added it as  “a very easy beer to drink, aided by the fact that it is not in the slightest bit cloying; for while the flavour is predominantly fruity and sweet with burnt sugar and caramel malt, it is remarkably well-balanced by a gentle but lingering dry hop finish.”[11] Released as part of their Past Masters series of limited edition beers, the beer was in circulation for several years although it has recently vanished from their range. There have been other examples of former Burton Ales being relaunched, in the US, Ballantines Burton Ale (11.3%) was revived in 2016, by Pabst Brewery. Whilst Greene King’s Burton Pale Ale was resurrected when incorporated into Strong Suffolk (6%) which features a combination of BPA with a younger version of their oak aged 5X into the mix. 

There have been a number of examples of Burton Ales out there hiding in plain sight which are generally labelled as Strong Ales, Old Ales, Premium Bitters or Barley Wines respectively. Martyn Cornell and Antony Hayes note in their article that there are several survivors that can claim to be authentic Burton Ales, including the likes of Theakston’s Old Peculiar (5.6%), Marston’s Owd Rodger (7.4%), Fuller’s 1845 (6.3%), Timothy Taylor’s Ram Tam (4.3%) and Young’s Winter Warmer (5.0%). Other beers to consider include Broadside (6.3%) and Tally Ho (7.2%) from Adnams respectively, McEwans' Champion (7.3%) which is a modern version of the Edinburgh Ale[12] and most blatantly of all Tower Brewery’s Burton Strong Ale (6.0%) where the clue is in the title. It could also be argued that Fuller’s ESB (5.9%) is a repackaged version of their original draft Burton Ale, indeed Ron Pattison discovered from brewery records from 1939, that the draught version was only 5.46%, which is very similar to it’s modern equivalent.[13] Most of the beers mentioned above can be found in supermarkets, bottle shops and websites like Beers of Europe. So has Burton Ale gone a for Burton, well far from being extinct it has been slumbering away in the background all this time. In today’s congested world of beer styles, it may be worth considering resurrecting Burton Ales as a beer style. After all there have been flurry of strong ales, old ales and barley wines released by breweries over the past few decades that could conform to the characteristic guidelines of a Burton Ale, would it be better if they were consolidated under one umbrella style again in order to boost their chances of success on the industry and beer festival circuit, maybe it's high time to bring back Burton?


[13] “Burton Ale before WW II (part two)” by Ron Pattison, Shut Up About Barclay Perkins, 8th January 2019 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Pub Guides: The Three Hammers, Mill Hill

Address: The Ridgeway, Hammers Lane, Mill Hill, London, NW7 4EA

Opening Hours: Sun – Thurs (11:30am – 11:00pm), Fri – Sat (11:30am – 12:00am)


Tel: 020 8959 2346


Nestled on top of Hammers Hill lies a pub that has been around for over three centuries and has long been a community hallmark in the area. The pub was originally built in 1680, then subsequently rebuilt by William Lambourne in 1754 whom added a Blacksmiths to the site. In 1899, the smithy housed a horse drawn fire engine which served the local area during the early 20th century, and a laundry service was also set up for the nearby Mill Hill School. By the interwar period, under the ownership of Benskins, taking the advantage of the rise in ‘Road-House’ style pubs at the time, they took the audacious move to completely renovate and overhaul the pub, so 1938, the pub was rebuilt as a two floor, mock Tudor style construction which was spacious than ever before, gone was the Blacksmiths and Laundry and in came dining facilities and function rooms. This pub is classic example of a pub from that period, and from outward appearances, it’s largely unchanged from the time it was built. The interior however, has been extensively renovated, the formerly raised dining area in the far-left hand corner of the pub has been overhauled and been expanded, so now every table in the pub offers dining options, and by the pub garden, a covered conservatory has been built to offer more room for seating. Toilet facilities have been installed in the upstairs area, and the function room has been transferred to a small corner of the pub next to the kitchen.

Currently owned by Mitchell & Butlers, a company that owns a large number of restaurants and pub chains around the country which include the likes of Harvesters, Nicholson’s, Toby Carvery and O’ Neill’s to name but a few. This particular pub has been under the auspices of the Ember Inns chain for a number of years now, whose remit is to offer pubs with the hallmarks of a friendly local tavern which include a wide range of cask ales, wines and cocktails and a menu replete with traditional British pub classics. Upon entering the pub, it has a nice and spacious feel about the place, that offers plenty of seating for diners and drinkers alike, though dining is only available till 9pm daily. They offer brunch, lunch, fixed price and dinner menus along with Sunday lunch and buffet menus for functions. The menu offers effectively no-frills standard pub fare, offering the usual choices of steaks, burgers, fish & chips, pies and mixed grills, although every Wednesday they do a curry night. Moreover, the pub has been recently renovated, and the décor has a smart Ikea like feel to it, which is much in contrast to it rustic Tudorbethan like charm that it used to be known for; although if you look closely there are hints from it's past, the timber frame work is still evidently present and the art deco wood panelled bar area can still be seen, despite the modern upgrades over the years. Although it won’t make it onto the Heritage pub lists, this pub still retains it friendly and inviting charm that it has maintained over the past eight decades.

As common with Ember Inns pubs it offers a wide selection of cask ales, London Pride (4.1%) is a permanent fixture on their lists, though the likes of Landlord (4.3%) and Doom Bar (4%) also frequently appear as well. A recent feature is the inclusion of a guest beer, that rotates frequently every week. On this occasion they had Titanic Plum Porter (4.9%) available on tap, since it was a rare chance to sample a Porter on cask in a pub, I snapped up the opportunity. At £4.80 I found it rather pricey, and having visited this pub since my late teens I have found the prices have increased dramatically over the years, although on Mondays and Thursdays the pub does offer all cask ales for £2.89 per pint! The porter I had was in good condition, lightly chilled and a had a pronounced whiff of plum notes despite the noticeable bitterness, the bar manager noted this type of beer doesn’t particularly sell well, so I probably caught it towards the end of its run. If cask ale is not your preference, then this pub also includes a dizzying range of keg beers which include the likes of Camden Hells, Sharp’s Atlantic, Madri and the obligatory Guinness that one finds at nearly every pub in the country. There is also an extensive collection of bottled wines, and wide selection of Spirits behind the bar that offer punters the chance to try a cocktail or two. Bar snacks are generally limited to the usual suspects of Walkers Crisps, Mini Cheddars and Pork Scratchings, although Peanuts and Rice Cakes are also available. 

On weeknights and weekends the pub shows live sports on its TV screens, although the rest of time the TVs are generally off. The pub is usually quite busy during the weekend, with a wide plethora of diners and drinkers taking full advantage of the expansive seating availability, although at other times particularly on weeknights, it can be quiet and they sometimes have to close early due to lack of trade. The pub takes full advantage in its status as a community hub through hosting regular Quiz Nights, Live Music and themed evenings. It is also family and dog friendly, which helps attract further trade. For all things considered this pub is a perfect example of a late era 1930’s style road-house pub that offers a wide range of welcoming and hospitable facilities for the passing motorist. The pub continues to live up to that remit which was established all those years ago. Although far from being a traditional inn of historical reverence, as a community hub it offers everything from a good hearty meal to a quaffable pint of cask ale to while away the hours with. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Beer Review: Brentwood Gold

Brewery: Brentwood


Style: Golden Ale


ABV: 4.3%


Location: Brentwood, Essex


Colour: Bright gold with an amber glare, that elevates the colour. Offset by a one finger light cream head.


Aroma: Mildly hoppy, bready and distinctly fruity with a whisp of peaches and nectarines.


Taste: Quite refreshing, suitable for chilling since it doesn't impart it's flavour. Distinct malty notes, with a balanced sweetness that is not too pronounced that it overtakes the other flavours, Smooth, with a lacing of hoppy bitterness in the background.


Verdict: A quaffable golden ale that leaves a satisfactory effect. The combination of flavours are well balanced, the malty sweetness dovetails nicely with the hops and bitter elements, the various components that make this beer don't try to outcompete each over. This is an easy drinking sessionable beer that is suitable for those who want something flavourable but not too strong. Its easy to see why this beer has won a number awards, the brewers get the flavours just right. 

Rating: 9/10

Thursday, November 09, 2023

The Three Villages

Nestled between the towns of Bushey and Radlett are a number of quaint villages noted for there bucolic cottages, luscious village greens and their local pubs, maintaining that chocolate box quality that wouldn’t look out of place on a Kinks album. Keen to explore these areas, on a crisp Autumnal day I set off from Radlett Station in search of beer by the village green. After trudging through mud and leaves for a couple of miles, I had built up quite a first by the time I reached my first pub, The Round Bush in Aldenham. Owned by Wells & Co, it has been going strong since 1876, although parts of the building date back to the 16th century. Its rustic Victorian features extend from its charming redbrick exterior that is the cross between a cottage and a rural railway station from the period, whilst inside modernity and Victoriana combine to give the place a homely and cosy feel that is redolent of a typical country pub, with its wooden framing, exposed brick walls and a unique double fireplace on either side of the bar. Some Victorian era features remain such as the wood panelled bar area surrounded by a terracotta tiled floor. Above the bar, shelving units replete with wooden framing and frosted glass are another original feature from the era. The former public and saloon bars have been ripped out in order to allow for plenty of seating space. As is typical with most country pubs nowadays, a good deal of their service is lent over to restaurant dining in order to make ends meet in these difficult times. The restaurant area is reserved at the rear of the pub, though dining facilities are available at all tables. Beyond the interior, the pub also boasts a large beer garden with a children’s playground in order to keep the youngsters entertained. On the drinks front aside from the usual lagers, they had a reasonable selection of real ales which included Tribute (4.2%) and Ghost Ship (4.5%) which happened to be available that day, although there were four handpulls present it was unknown why they had restricted their cask ale selection. I had sampled some Ghost Ship, which was well maintained, refreshing with a distinctive citrusy hoppy kick and shed loads of malty and bittersweet flavours. Overall, the pub was a classic example of a charming country style pub that has retained its rustic character, despite some modern additions. It is effectively a family friendly restaurant style place, although it’s welcoming enough for drinkers as well; and out of the three pubs I visited that day this was the most favourable.

After exiting the pub, we passed by Aldenham village with its imposing church St John the Baptist which has stood in the area since the 13th century. We then traversed along a Turnip field before reaching our second village Patchetts Green. A quiet village nestled by the M1, it boasts a modern housing development, a children’s playground but not much else. The centrepiece of the area is The Three Compasses that lies adjacent to the village green; currently owned by Wells & Co this pub dates back to the 19th century. The pub was recently reopened following a major refurbishment and now features a restaurant that offers Italian fine dining mixed with traditional British pub fare. The owners have maintained the look of a traditional country pub with slatted wooden flooring, exposed beams and a low hanging ceiling, although the splash of grey paint gives the building a contemporary feel that detracts from its bucolic heritage. It also hosts an intriguing collection of curios that include a model of a Bull’s Head with a cowbell around it’s neck, some Bierra Moretti serving plates, a woven recreation of the Aldenham parish symbol and a regency style sideboard. There is plenty of seating inside the pub, and it has a beer garden and some outdoor seating by the entrance; although the pub is primarily geared towards the restaurant trade, there is some seating reserved for drinkers by the bar. Towards the bar area, the late Victorian era counter has been preserved along with its ornate trellises and a monochrome tiled floor motif that surrounds the contours of the bar. It also features an impressive array of wines and spirits, yet for the discerning real ale drinker there were only three handpulls present with two available on tap that day featuring the likes of Ghost Ship (4.5%) and Anchorman (4.1%). The latter is a session IPA sourced directly from Wells & Co’s very own Brewpoint Brewery based in Bedford, I found it to be rather smooth, malty with a tangy hoppiness that seeped through the background that helped give the beer more flavour and strength than its relatively low ABV suggests. Although the pub was cosy and rustic, its over reliance a restaurant means it can get quite busy at weekends and drinkers tend to be exiled to the extreme corners of the building, which clouded my experience of the place. It may be a great place to have a meal, yet not so rewarding if you’re just looking for a quiet drink.

The sun was hanging low in the sky as we exited the pub, so we headed down the narrow roads towards the final destination, Letchmore Heath. A chocolate box style village, it proudly features a triangular village green and Victorian era cottages which have be utilized as a set by a number of film & TV productions from the nearby Elstree Studios. Notably, it was also the residence of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of the Hare Krishna Movement whom was generously donated with the nearby Bhaktivedanta Manor which was gifted to him by George Harrison in 1973. Another focal point of the village is The Three Horseshoes, the pub dates back to the 18th century although parts of the building such as the timber hall date further back to the 16th century, whilst the majority of the current building was substantially renovated in 1803. The pub was formerly a freehouse owned by Danny Williams whom subsequently sold the place to a pub chain Peach Pubs who also happen to own two other pubs in Hertfordshire. The pub was substantially renovated and reopened early last year and now operates as a Modern British restaurant, the majority of the building is devoted to restaurant service in a section adjacent to the main entrance whilst the drinking area is restricted by the bar, yet regrettably these two areas are segregated which I found rather disconcerting. The drinking area was rather small and compact, featuring a marble top bar with wood panelled walls and an ornate tiled floor motif surrounding it. There were only several tables and some stools by the bar, which means it can be difficult to find a seat if you’re just looking for a drink at busier times, though the pub also features a large beer garden at the rear of the building along with some tables by the entrance, which allows for more seating on warmer days of the year. The pub only has two cask beers on handpull, on this occasion the likes of London Pride (4.1%) and Side Pocket (3.6%) were available. Since the latter beer was from Tring Brewery, I thought it was appropriate to sample a beer created within Hertfordshire. I found it rather pleasant with a mild bitter kick and some malty flavours although its lacks the complexity and strength of its stronger bottled version that the brewery also produces. Regrettably the pub was busy at the time I visited, and since I was restricted to the bar area, ultimately, I had to drink standing by the bar. This was not helped by the brusque and offish attitude of the staff whom affected my experience of the place and I was forced to drink up quickly in order to exit as soon as possible. As a location, it is a great place for a restaurant yet since Peach Pubs have taken over, they have ripped up its genteel country pub charm and turned it into a corporate modern style restaurant effectively. I visited this same pub many years before, and the place was markedly different in character and style to what it is today. Although it is good that the pub still exists in this area, its heritage as a homely community pub has all but vanished.  

Overall walking around these three villages makes for a rewarding day out around the countryside, yet on the pub front it was a bit of a mixed bag; all three pubs had been part converted into restaurants in order to make ends meet which is a worrying sign of the times as these places grapple with higher inflation and increasing taxes. Some of these places had more of an emphasis on restaurant dining than others, with some going to the lengths of literally segregating the drinking and dining areas into two. If I did this walk a decade ago, I probably would have gathered a vastly different perception of the pubs to what it is like now; and although iti s heartening to see that these areas still feature village pubs, its rather disconcerting to see what they have become in recent times. I’m in the camp where I think pubs and fine dining should be kept separate, and I dispair of the scourge of gastropubs that have popped up in villages over recent times that have ripped out the heart and soul of many of these historic pubs that have stood for over two centuries or more. None of these three pubs would make to the Pub Heritage guides, although if you are in search of real ale then you are in luck, at least for the time being.    


Saturday, November 04, 2023

Beer Review: Romney Marsh American Pale

 Brewery: Romney Marsh 


Style: APA


ABV: 5%


Location: New Romney, Kent


Colour: Hazy dark gold, typical of a beer with no finings. One finger one white head.


Aroma: Syrupy, toffee like sweetess, with a slight fruitiness.


Taste: An underlying sweet syrupyness with a whisp of bitter flavours going on. The malt qualities of Caramalt are quite distinct and make up for much of the flavour profiles. Thick and cloying mouthfeel, with some fruitness present going on through in its straw like qualities. A hint of fruitness present from the use of American hops such as Simcoe gives the beer an authentic edge, yet its rather brusquely relegated to the background. 


Verdict: The brewers accurately recreate the qualities of a American Pale Ale through the use of a Caramalt that gives it musty gold colour and syrupy flavours without need of sugar . The malt gives the drink an unusual caramel like sweetness and mouthfeel which makes it quite moreish, without being too overly sweet. Although there is some bitterness present, the malt takes centre stage and somewhat overshawdows the hops. The beer would have been vastly improved if it were brewed to be slightly more hoppy, allowing more of a chance to savour the range of flavours. 

Rating: 7/10