Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Beer Review: Exmoor Stag

Brewery: Exmoor


Style: Premium Bitter (ESB)


ABV: 5.2%


Location: Taunton, Devon

Colour: Deep chestnut brown with a one finger off-white head.

Aroma: Fruity, malty, slight tartness, winey strength coming through. Good hint of caramel.

Taste: Evidently bitter, some caramel sweetness, malty, biscuity with some fruity notes in the background. The strength is noticeable, without it being too overbearing, an evenly mixed drink. Heavy, cloying mouthfeel, with a residual dryness. 

Rating: Although a core beer in the brewery's range, the bottle version doesn't impress as much as it's cask counterpart. There's a good balance in flavours and array of flavours going on, without it making too much of an impact which lets it down. For an ESB, I think its on the weak side and lacks character, the overall experience doesn't give off much of an impression, as one would expect 

Verdict: 7/10

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