Monday, August 12, 2024

Beer Review: Dark Star Revelation

Brewery: Dark Star

Style: IPA

ABV: 5.7%

Location: Chicwick, London

Aroma: A potent grassiness dominates in the foreground, whilst there are distinct hints of citrus fruits such as lemons and grapefruit wafting through. This is all brought together with a notable hoppiness that assaults the senses.

Colour: Orangey gold, with a one finger white head.

Taste: Rather hoppy to the point it overlaps on all other flavours, there is a slight maltiness coming through which can be hard to detect. There is rather an unsual oiley mouthfeel with is best with a residual biscuty dryness which becomes noticeable after a time. The use of dry hops helps give the flavours an added dimension, adding grassy and citrussy elements, without making it too overly bitter.

Verdict: The use of hops takes centre stage, help giving it plenty of notable aromas, character and flavour, though the malt seems relegated to the background unfortunately, which makes the palate a touch lop-sided towards the favour of hops. A quaffable lip-smacking beer that is equally refeshing and flavoursome in every measure.

Rating: 8/10

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